At what point did the final straw finally break?

  • IzyaKatzmann [he/him]
    7 months ago

    I actually started reading it recently! I saw hype a while ago and it was in my reading list and the cover was pretty.

    I uhh, yeah there really doesn't seem to be that much substance to it? I check out the database to see if there was anything I could do with the data, and after I checked it didn't seem all that great called the World Inequality Database, link here.

    I'm not sure if I'll finish it, like you said the authors centrist and so far appears to be milquetoast. I just, I think honestly I thought the data-driven aspect (quantitive) would be cool but there's not realy sophisticated modelling going kn as far as I can tell.

    I don't suggest anyone read it... maybe flip through the first ~20 pages to get a feel for how the largest problems of our day are whittled down to narrow and eventually single issues. It's an interesting piece of rhetoric I'd say, how the author & people reading it come to believe in such a solution.