At what point did the final straw finally break?

  • SkingradGuard [he/him, comrade/them]
    8 months ago

    It's a bunch of little things tbh.

    One of the things is the weird conceptions the capitalist class have invented about what they call "class". I used to think my family was middle class because we had a house and my parents bought me a gameboy that one time. But they were just your average joe: my dad worked at a factory on the line, and my mum was just a low level admin at a small high school. It wasn't until I met some rich kids who's parent's literally bought them everything they wanted, their parents had massive houses and drove expensive cars, had massive yachts, until I realized the capitalist conception of "class" was a total lie, and we weren't "middle class" at all, my parents were just boomers.

    Then there's the internet, me and my sister both got sucked into especially YouTube when it began popping off, and the politcal propaganda was insane. Naturally we shared the same channels etc., the same old liberal brainrot. But it wasn't until I actually watched, read and listened to those "evil" socialists the content creators were criticizing that I realized they were lying. What is interesting is she stayed in that liberal brainrot sphere, and now she's a full on anti-vax, reactionary and has taken up religion not out of genuine spiritual want, but because fascist YouTubers told her that's what she needs to do to fight against "woke".

    What broke the straw for me especially is realizing that throughout history and present day, libs (hogs or libs) brazenly support fascists when workers try to revolt and demand change. Seeing libs reactions to the fascist rally at Charlottesville really opened my eyes to this. I'm especially vindicated with Ukraine and Israel right now on this point.

    Then there's working ans then becoming unemployed, the system absolutely hates it when you try to get welfare. And it doesn't help that the local unemployment office workers treat you like a criminal and degrade you as you're struggling to get by. On top of that is the way I've seen extended family members talk about people on welfare as if they're all lazy, getting thousands of dollars a day (it's not even enough to cover food + rent with the highest), and all in it to exploit the system. I found it disgusting that people just say that without knowing I was on welfare at the time. It's really dehumanizing and shameful.