• axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    4 months ago

    i was waiting for the liberals to break rank. It's been a full eight years of being told that procedural fascism is right around the corner, when it's truly been happening right in front of us the entire time. Liberals have also had far more encounters with leftist rhetoric than they would have during the Obama administration, so they know exactly what we're saying. They know what we want to do with fascists and they're horrified by it. They're actually scared of a massive poc and working class uprising that would toss fascists out of power suddenly and violently. Because that's not what they'd do to fascists, they'd rather give them a speech or let some byzantine legal process with references to laws from 1815 disqualify them. They don't want to defeat fascists, they want to disqualify fascists on supposedly non-political grounds. They want a neutral third-party to swoop in and say fascism is against the rules.

    They want procedure, they want people to feel like they're voluntarily choosing liberalism over fascism. Liberals want to tell you simultaneously that there's a massive threat, and yet tackling the threat comes at no danger to yourself. In fact, the danger can be mitigated by simply voting, which is close enough to doing nothing. If the most liberal man alive, Nate Bronze, figured this out then the rank and file liberals have to be getting the same cognitive dissonance. They know how widely Biden is hated and they're desperately running articles about how Biden is good, actually. They can't believe it.

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      4 months ago

      My favorite thing is when the MSNBC talking heads try to explain away the fact that Biden's old even though even the dem base knows it and they've been saying he's too old to pollsters for more than a fucking year. Pollsters never ask about Feinstein in those polls but I think she broke a lot of lib brains. They could see she was older than fuck, mostly incapacitated, and she was probably senile for years before she died.