I deleted my only copy of Windows and reinstalled OpenBSD on my big PC. It's way better in almost every respect but I miss video games lol. I'll probably install Linux somewhere and boot that to play video games eventually but games on your native operating system are pretty convenient

Edit: thanks for all your recs, I am crashing from caffeine rn and have to log off lol, will check them all later

  • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
    5 months ago

    Endless Sky - a 2D space exploration game

    Liberal Crime Squad - Wacky politics / murderhobo simulator from the creators of Dwarf Fortress

    Sauerbraten - An arena shooter with a novel in-game cooperative map editor. A handful of people are still playing. (Some of the art assets are used with permission, but are not copyleft)