It will take hold of you, and you will regret it's absence

- a stupid idiot who thought they could explain why arbitrary age limits are a poor heuristic for experience to a /r/politics user

god typing that out really sells the stupid idiot part huh

  • duderium [he/him]
    7 months ago

    Can’t argue with ‘em because I keep getting banned, and reddit even has even banned my IP address from certain subreddits now.

    I want to dunk on the loser landlords in my state’s subreddit so badly. I want to go to r/millennials, r/nursing, r/teachers, r/antiwork, r/everything and say: “IT’S THE BOURGEOISIE, NOT NECESSARILY THE BOOMERS!”—over and over again because it seems like people are increasingly miserable there and looking for answers. But they can’t find any because if you talk about the bourgeoisie or question the Ukraine War or say that Biden is a Nazi or imply that mental health might have some sort of connection to the material world, it’s a ban for you. If I breathe a word about any of this shit using my last remaining reddit profile, which I use to advertise my books, that’s also going to get banned. Sometimes redditors will get so pissed off that they’ll cyberstalk me and leave shitty reviews of my books, too.

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      7 months ago

      I wanna so a lot of stuff offline that I can't do as well. Cyberpunk Dystopia etc