It will take hold of you, and you will regret it's absence

- a stupid idiot who thought they could explain why arbitrary age limits are a poor heuristic for experience to a /r/politics user

god typing that out really sells the stupid idiot part huh

  • Hello_Kitty_enjoyer [none/use name]
    5 months ago

    to a /r/politics user

    All the way back in 2017 I legitimately thought every user on that sub was actual bots

    It just felt so different from the rest of reddit (whose users should also be wiped off the planet)

    • Maoo [none/use name]
      5 months ago

      It's heavily modded and censored and was one of the first targeted by their former CIA community misinformation manager

        • Maoo [none/use name]
          4 months ago

          There are also bots, Reddit is full of them to help their IPO. But you don't need to pay shills, libs will shill of their own accord if you just create an echo chamber. That's what the modding does.

          Same thing in worldnews, which used to show cracks of left sympathy until they began banning anyone critical of capitalism.

    • RION [she/her]
      5 months ago

      It's even worse now, if you'd believe it

      • Hello_Kitty_enjoyer [none/use name]
        4 months ago

        I really don't actually believe those are real people on that subreddit. That's why I never cared about it. You can't convince me it's anything other than bots talking to each other.

        The rest of reddit though, xi-plz

  • Washburn [she/her]
    5 months ago

    I spent several years and waaaay too many hours of my life typing out responses to bad faith redditors who didn't deserve the effort.

    • RION [she/her]
      5 months ago

      same, but for me it used to be defending dark souls 2. i think i've really traded down in that regard

      • Are_Euclidding_Me [e/em/eir]
        5 months ago

        I mean, that's good and important work! DS2 is unfairly maligned, and actually quite good in many respects! Is it jankier than any other FromSoft game? Yes, absolutely. Did they make some strange and inexplicable choices that I disagree with? Also yes. But the vibes of that game, the level design, the fashion! Incredible, absolutely S tier. Majula is easily the best "hub" of any of the FromSoft games I've played, and Heide's Tower of Flame might be my favorite area ever, beating out both Leyndell and Fountainhead Palace in terms of shear beauty.

        I also like that DS2 doesn't expect or want you to have a comprehensive knowledge of the plot. You can just wander a melancholy, dying world and you're not trying to save it or something, it's been made pretty clear from the very beginning that you're not on some grand quest, really. You're not following the instructions of a weird immortal giant snake or trying desperately to stand before the elden ring or being handheld through the plot by an immortal child. (I do really like Kuro, I don't mean to make it sound like his involvement with the plot is a negative, it isn't.) You're just wandering through a beautiful, sad world, and eventually you'll end up finding the souls you need, because it's impossible not to.

        Oh, and the gender changing coffin rules. So weird, but I love it!

        • RION [she/her]
          5 months ago

          Yeah, at the end of the day my love for DS2 stems from it doing its own thing, for better or for worse. It's just weird and quirky and kinda shit in some places but overall the most charming FromSoft work I've played

      • SpiderFarmer [he/him]
        5 months ago

        Hell yeah! Fellow DS2 simp! Seriously, the atmosphere alone makes it better than DS3 to me. The music, the weapons, the sheer variety of armor sets. Even the kinda ugly textures fed into the dream-like atmosphere.

        • Smeagolicious [they/them]
          5 months ago

          A lot of the textures are terrible, enemy placement in SotFS is weird, gameplay is floaty, and adaptability was a terrible idea. I'll replay it in a heartbeat before i boot up DS3 again lol. It tried to do a lot of new stuff where DS3 cowarded out and ran back to DS1

  • Yurt_Owl
    5 months ago

    I remember when I used to be addicted to arguing in youtube comments. This was the youtube comments before they added threads so you would have to scroll through the entire comments to find a reply.

    • nothx [any]
      4 months ago

      I feel like Instagram is definitely one of the worst comment sections on the internet at this point.

    • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
      5 months ago

      A great rule for arguing on the internet, along with remembering that you're really making your point for lurkers reading along instead of the person responding to you.

      5 months ago

      Good rule of thumb. If one writes more than 5 sentences each time, it shouldn't take more than 2 attempts to see whether the other guy is deficient. Anything after that should boil down to a no-effort "get bent"

  • BeamBrain [he/him]
    5 months ago

    why arbitrary age limits are a poor heurisitc for experience

    Okay, I know this isn't what you meant, but please explain what this was about because all I can think of is how this sounds like

    CW: pedo

    how pedophiles argue for lowering the age of consent

    • RION [she/her]
      5 months ago

      oof did not even think about that blob-no-thoughts

      it was about how you have to be 35 at minimum to be president of the US because the founding fathers said so

  • BigHaas [he/him]
    5 months ago

    I like to link long dense theory. No one ever responds and it makes it look like you won.

    • blight [any]
      5 months ago

      just make sure you copy paste something, don't waste more time than your opponent. if it's relevant copypasta that's bonus points but not a requirement

  • Kuori [she/her]
    5 months ago

    i have wasted so much of my life arguing with people on the internet

    it's not worth it. just make fun of them and move on.

    5 months ago

    This may be a bit of a hot take but I don't think age limits are that bad. I can see the argument that on average, a 25yo doesn't have the experience with people, with changing political landscapes, foreign policy etc that would be necessary for the job.

    I know that a 25 yo child of poor parents from a poor community will have more life experience than a legion of failsons put together, but that'd be a little idealistic as a response. Any <40 that gets a shot at being the usian president will be some silver spoon shithead who made all the right friends.

    All that said I'll freely admit the criterion is useless as shit. Usians will have a second election between someone with a rotting corpse syndrome and whatever donald's got. If they hold debates, it'll be a contest of whichever side prepares the better coctail of uppers. Clearly, usians have extremely low standards and a youth president would be the least of their problems.

    • RION [she/her]
      5 months ago

      My argument is that using an age requirement as a stand in for "experience" is arbitrary and inaccurate. You could have multiple terms as a congressional representative under your belt crafting and voting on legislation, representing your constituents, working on committees, etc. and still be barred from the presidency on the basis that you're not experienced enough. Meanwhile, someone aged 35 and a day who doesn't know what a congress is apparently has the experience needed.

      And I don't even really care about the age minimum in a vacuum, I just think it's silly that people call out a maximum age limit as discriminatory but don't bat an eyelash at the literal age discrimination already enshrined in the constitution. Civil religion and founding father worship is a hell of a drug

        5 months ago

        I'm not defending any liberal democracy here. Any system where the people in charge of advancement are the ones with a shot at that advancement, there'll be conflicts of interest like this. If a constitutional amendment barring old people from something went in front of a room full of old people who happen to be potentials, that thing's getting shot down faster than a bolt of lightning.

        I will only argue in the hypothetical, that there's no test for youthful inexperience, but cognitive decline can be tested. Although that fact is also quite meaningless in a system where the doctor applying the test can be bought off.

        My point is actually capitalism bad, a socialist country will figure this stuff out one way or another.