Their crazy songs are one of my favorite things about living in a rural area. They sound like a roving dog rave! So much yipping and screaming, so much energy, it's thrilling every time I hear them.

What crazy shit are they getting up to out there?!? Why do they sometimes sound like they're just a roving party and other times like they're the actual Wild Hunt?!

I know they want to eat my chickens, guineas, and probably also my cats, but they're just having such a good time out there that I can't be mad about it.

  • GinAndJuche
    8 months ago

    Once they get accustomed to being near people they become a problem.

    A man nearby literally had to fight off a few coyotes inside his own yard. This is a suburb near a smallish city. A couple decades ago we didn’t even have them in the area. He managed to save his dog, but it was almost certainly traumatic for both.