• keepcarrot [she/her]
    4 months ago

    If you had control over all 3 houses or whatever, what prevents you from slamming through every legislation you want other than your own cowardice?

        • @AmarkuntheGatherer@lemmygrad.ml
          4 months ago

          Exactly, what if fascism became super popular and they wanted to take away women's right to bodily autonomy, but couldn't because it was all too difficult to fuck with? What then, commies?

      • StellarTabi [none/use name]
        4 months ago

        There's always 1 or 2 Democrats who smell things like "human rights" and then vote against the unambiguous interests of their constituents.

    • Assian_Candor [comrade/them]
      4 months ago

      The dumbass filibuster. Basically you need 60 votes in the senate to tell someone to shut up, so in the old days minority parties could indefinitely stall legislation by just blabbing on and on indefinitely and never allowing for a vote. Now they dont do that anymore, but have the same effect by just saying they filibuster.

      Now passing the budget is obviously important because the government shuts down without it, so they made a rule that budget legislation can’t be filibustered. This is how whatever they tried to pass that got killed by the parliamentarian, they tried to argue that bc whatever it was (I don’t remember) affected the budget so therefore couldn’t be filibustered but the parliamentarian said they couldn’t do that, essentially killing the bill. This is dumb bc the parliamentarian can be fired and reappointed but gotta be bipartisan.

      This is why the public healthcare option got killed by Lieberman voting no even though the dems had a 60 seat majority.

      TLDR 51 seats isn’t enough you need 60 and even then you have to get everyone on board

        • Assian_Candor [comrade/them]
          4 months ago

          The worst part is they can get rid of it if they want to, like they did for judicial appointments during Obama I believe, they just choose not to bc of “norms”

          Dog brained shit.