• SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
    4 months ago

    I think there's the immediate reaction of "No, fucking your cousins is weird, I don't like it," and then right after that, you go "...but, now that I think about it, I don't really know why I think that this is bad. Hm." Which is a good impulse to have! It's good to be inspecting your own beliefs and overcoming reactionary disgust! It's also entirely possible to then go ", actually, I do think this is morally bad even if it's not necessarily always genetically bad; this isn't just me being ruled by harmful cultural norms or something like that."

    Here's a question to "calibrate" your moral compass in this situation: Is fucking your stepsister or stepbrother a bad thing? I personally think that it's pretty taboo, despite there being no genetic relation there (within reason). Why is it taboo despite the lack of blood relation? The answer to that question should help inform the answer to the cousin question.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      4 months ago

      Articulate why it's morally bad. What inherent harm is there in marrying a first cousin? Where is the unavoidable imbalance of power and coercive hierarchy that invalidates consent? Put down in words why it is inherently wrong and harmful to marry another person who shares the same grandparents with you. Examine your beliefs and provide a grounded materialist justification for them.

    • Water Bowl
      4 months ago

      I think there should be no sex between family whatsoever. Not between cousins, not between stepsiblings, and not between any other pairing. Obviously, non-incestuous married couples are fine (and unmarried couples and trouples and whatever).

      There were other replies to my comment but I'm not gonna argue why incest is bad wtf am I on reddit

      • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
        4 months ago

        I think there should be no sex between family whatsoever. Not between cousins, not between stepsiblings, and not between any other pairing.
