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“Criticizing Israel is criticizing Jewish right to exist”

  • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
    4 months ago

    Israel does not have a right to exist because it's stolen land.

    Honestly this; many of the people they're exterminating either previously lived in the lands they're currently living in, or are the children or grandchildren of the people who were living where their (the zionists) houses now reside. The very exact human beings they displaced, or their children or grandchildren, they are now exterminating, when they themselves or their parents took flights over from Europe or America to now reside in occupied Palestine.

    And Western media is manned by either incompetent fools or disingenuous propagandists (although obviously disingenuous propagandists) who parrot Israel's argument of 'other nations should take them in'; Occupied Palestine is their home, why should they leave? Let the zionists leave, no one forced them to get on an airplane and go live on stolen land, and what's more, no one forced them to demolish existing Palestinian towns and villages so they could set up their zionist cities in those areas, there's lot of empty places in occupied Palestine they could've set up their cities.