It seems people will do absolutely anything except take their anger out on people who might deserve it.

Beat your wife and kids? OK

Run over brown people with your truck? Terrific idea

Shoot your boss? What, never

Well, I know why, it's because the media rallies themselves to get you all riled up about the gays and the browns, so your rage won't have any consequence

They do the same with Islamic extremists in eg Pakistan, funnel people into stupid fundamentalist orgs so they won't look into Marxism, and bonus points, the extremist orgs you're propping up will even hunt communists themselves, the same way conservatives in the US despise anything socialist (in the UK we don't know what communists are, we just hate scroungers, trans and immigrints 😡)

Kind of following up from my post the other day about CEO salaries, still thinking about it, I honestly don't get how senior management are able to kid themselves when they only earn £200k themselves, real serf behaviour

  • tamagotchicowboy [he/him]
    4 months ago

    They do, its a nonviolent form, the standard malicious compliance or working really slow etc. Despite Burgerland propaganda people aren't inherently violent, its more on condition and shooters are very much in reactionary mode. Then to add big bourgeois are really paranoid and have all sorts of security etc, so lower classes or those deemed dangerous aren't usually in contact with them in any shape or form, so they're all very nebulous, easier to be afraid of a closer more accessible scapegoat than a group of people you only hear of being really, really rich at most and nothing else. If they ever have beefs with each other they tend to take it out with legalities which are so violent it can hit all sectors of society economically, or typically start the cycle back at beating their spouses and children.