tamagotchicowboy [he/him]

Don't abandon your virtual pets. Hope you feel guilty.

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 30th, 2021


  • I would double check its not some identity theft deal going on with banking, since that's been a thing going on for a bit.

    Depending on various things you could try to escape the harassment, best of course is immigrating, second best is moving remote since the authorities there generally don't have time nor inclination to harass the blacklisted and such with the caveat if you super stand out as a minority they'll pester you for that, but not necessarily for your whistleblowing nor saying/being the wrong things around butthurt lib-chuds with connections. You can etch out a small and miserable existence rather than none at all, its a choose your own flavor of hell. Mine's not that severe, for certain can't touch anything academic or at a college, a former coworker confirmed since they told me at work astonished about it. For another 'symptom' in CA I'd get chained pulled over like every other second for total bullshit, best record was I had a little snow on the roof of my car and got pulled over 5 times in a row otw home.

    The people I did a little loud complaining with were like 'hurr hurr the lists only last 6-12 years', nah they're much longer than that, I'm suspecting permanent.

    Supposedly some lists get trigger-happy and ridden with false positives, so you end up with like the whitest toddler in Murikkka on the terror watch list unable to fly while his parents are ok, and a bunch of harmless libs noted as super villain tier radicals. I'm not sure to the extent, but I do know its something no one is ever going to fix.

  • Same, at absolute worst you can get the treatment some whistleblowers get, while not always killed directly they're functionally banned from most legal employment and higher educational opportunities stateside, along with an odd inability to do things like open bank accounts, which is a slow assassination via poverty.

  • Yep, I mostly use it for books, gaymes, old websites, old mods, various useful utilities, OSes, offline AI horseshit, foreign pita to get films, and 360p quality shows since I can't afford big data on my budget.

    I focus a lot on offline, easy to setup since most of my life I've dealt with shitass internet, questionable power, and poverty and none of those are going to improve in my lifetime I assure you. My data hoarding's saved my hide, neighbors', or relatives' quite often, as it should be.

  • Have to try to look 'through' the magic eye poster, pretend its a window, don't scan it looking for something to popup cuz it won't. Also helps if the poster is big, at least paper sized, looking on a tiny phone screen might not work too well. Also, if your depth perception isn't good maybe try another illusion, since you may not be able to solve magic eyes.

    CW: Be ware if you have any motion visual issues like seizures, migraines, motion sickness etc, but the following site has all sorts of illusions



  • AI is super energy intensive and we're dealing with both climate change and economically quickly dimensions returns which limit their usefulness. Big AI projects are getting scaled back as the hype train dies down and ever increasing resources are required for them. People don't require as much, like the Romans didn't really need the steam engine one part due to slavery the capitalists don't really need AI for very similar reasons. I suspect more mechanical turk like AI-human combos in the future rather than fully automated AI.

    On the other hand, AI is improving to the point where if you have a PC with gpu from the last 20 years or so you can locally run a version of many things, even a raspberry pi can run a small llm.

    The rich have tanks, atomic weapons, automated guns, drones, helicopters, etc, etc and people have still made a stand against all that. AI is just another thing to be adapted to, this isn't some simplistic capitalist wet dream dystopic Hollywood film or a silly Civilization style game where a 'tech advantage' is unsurmountable. Like people machines have failures, we are in a universe of breakable beings and toys.