• zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      4 months ago

      It gets worse, as they start leaning into the Gay Panic Defense. There's an escalating series of assertions that being trans or advocating for trans people constitutes some kind of violent act. You get a bunch of naturalist fallacies and conspiracies about Communist brainwashing, and pretty soon even acknowledging trans people exist is a form of assault.

      • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
        4 months ago

        I was gonna do a bit about someone screaming NAP at you for wanting to change your gender marker on your Ancapistan identification card but then I realized they wouldn’t have those lol

        • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
          4 months ago

          They WOULD tho. Come down to Texas and you'll find a huge contingent of libertarians who want MORE cops and MORE identification cards and MORE checkpoints. They just want all this shit to be outsourced to private contractors who are nominally independent of (but ideologically in lockstep with) the state bureaucracy that mandates their existence.

          Its all a three-card monte of profiteering, policing, and persecution. The libertarian's ideal form of government is a private far-right militia that can threaten the state bureaucrats with a coup at any moment, if their profits are ever threatened.

          • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
            4 months ago

            Come down to Texas

            Comrade I live like 20 miles west of you lol

            But nah I definitely agree, I meant more their like idealized professed thing.. mostly was thinking about when they skewered Gary Johnson about drivers licenses.

            Your post reminded me of this libertarian tweet going around the other day where he basically reinvented the govt but it was 10 businesses wearing a trench coat lol

            • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
              4 months ago

              mostly was thinking about when they skewered Gary Johnson about drivers licenses.

              Johnson's big sin within the Libertarian Party was being too fucking sensible. He'd say things that people broadly agreed with and get hammered because he failed to couch it in some sovereign citizen bullshit his base would approve of.

              he basically reinvented the govt but it was 10 businesses wearing a trench coat lol

              The real critical contradiction in Libertarianism is that these people are - despite their most fervent objections - quite happy with their lives. What drives them insane is the mass media, constantly telling them about this or that outrage they're supposed to be deeply invested in.

              Most propagandized people on Earth. They're born on second, but convinced the refs robbed them of a HR.