• beef_curds [she/her]
    4 months ago

    Sure, maybe a decade ago, and maybe today for some people identifying as it hyper casually.

    But I don't get how you get to the point where you're buying flags and participating in libertarian party politics, and not understand that libertarian flags are flying beside fash flags at every far right hate rally.

    I can only read this graphic (that a party is publishing) as a completely cynical attempt to confuse people about what the party stands for. They know who makes up their party faithful. They know this means "in theory maybe trans people are ok, in practice we're working with people who want to exterminate them."

    • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
      4 months ago

      They're still liberals, cause and effect aren't tied directly together for them in their worldviews. I have no doubt that plenty of them are just as you describe them, but don't underestimate the willingness of the liberal worldview to pointedly ignore things that a materialist viewpoint would find extremely obvious.