• InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      4 months ago

      AOC is trying to sneak back to her office via a roundabout path and a side entrance. When she's just about 20 feet from her office door she realizes she's been caught by an enterprising reporter. It's about 20 years in the future.

      "Madam Speaker! Madam Speaker! Is it true your legislation takes an axe to Social Security."

      "Of course not. No one is 'taking an axe to Social Security'. Now if you'll excuse me..."

      The reporter is yelling and trying to ask more questions. But she's stopped dead in her tracks. The speaker's ever-present, enormous and overly muscled body guards block her. A few days later the speaker issues a public statement saying "hard choices must be made to help the American people". In reality the dems are trying to out-right the GOP and his horrible bill is a pointless Hail Mary to try to take the senate and win the presidency.

      Hours after that a draft of the bill is leaked. It fully capitulates to GOP demands. It takes an axe to Social Security and it raises the retirement age by 15 years which is 5 more than the GOP were asking for. The speaker hopes passage for the bill will help her get to the White House.