How did he fool the hogs so good or did boater kulaks just never watch the apprentice or see E! News before?

  • Greenleaf [he/him]
    7 months ago

    I know libs say “he’s a stupid person’s idea of what a smart person is”, but this is one instance of them being right. The only people I knew who had any respect for him pre-2015 were the types of people who think it’s business people who make the world go round, but have no idea what “business” actually involves. I watched some of The Apprentice, and it was painfully obvious Trump doesn’t have the slightest clue what he’s doing even back then.

    He wasn’t really all that political up until a few years before he ran, but I remember even in like the mid 2000s Trump was an embodiment of everything I hated in the business world.

      7 months ago

      I remember watching an older season of The Apprentice and Trump saying something like "only 5% of shows get successful, I didn't knew that back them, if I knew it I would have never started this show" and tough are you fucking stupid? How can you be a "successful" businessman and only learning that after the fact, or don't being self aware of how stupid it made you look to confess that?