• cosecantphi [he/him]
    4 months ago

    I'm not gonna shit on this guy because I think his heart was very obviously in the right place, but I have to agree with others here in that this is a terrible waste of a life, particularly a life belonging to the one US troop willing to die fighting the Palestinian genocide.

    Unfortunately, I doubt he was capable of doing much better because of how massively alienated he must've been. He almost certainly lacked anything resembling a coherent set of politics, and he almost certainly lacked like minded comrades to set him on the right path. Considering he was active duty, I have no doubt he could have found a way to frag some officers, but he probably thought violence would be counter productive. There's a reason why Americans grow up learning about a wildly sanitized version of MLK Jr. and absolutely nothing about the Black Panthers.

    So in the end, he spent his last moments screaming in agony for nothing, not understanding that the media was going to effortlessly sweep this under the rug just like it did the last few self immolations. This is so fucking sad, and it's why we need to organize to capture and productively redirect people like this as they radicalize. Rest in peace.

    • Mardoniush [she/her]
      4 months ago

      Yeah, he didn't fail, he did the only thing he could think of. We failed him, we should have given him a path to walk and comrades to share it.

        4 months ago

        We failed him, we should have given him a path to walk and comrades to share it.

        This man wanted to be a comrade but didn't know it. Didn't know how. The state of the american left is so weak, when a troop does something like this, many of us jeer at him for not offing a few pigs or burning an office. Yes, this will likely be buried due to the way american media works, but if he had gone adventure-time , this would be just another box ticked in the "criminalize anything left of dems" bingo card.

    • Gaia [She/Her]@lemmygrad.ml
      4 months ago

      I know he wanted this to be remembered by the people whose minds need to change, but I will still hold his memory in my heart. It hurts so much to see a person suffer for nothing, and puts into perspective the numbness I have to subject myself to to even discuss the horror that is Palestine. I do wish he had fragged out instead of putting himself through a painful death that he likely didn't deserve.

    • Hohsia [he/him]
      4 months ago

      They gavw more time to a vacant Burger King building on fire lmao

      Fucking hell man