• FunkyStuff [he/him]
    4 months ago

    True, but they go to great lengths to keep up the depolitization in the letter anyway. It's really more like recognizing someone is bound to come beat you up so you give them a funny-clown-hammer, feels threatening and dangerous but it's toothless.

    • Juice [none/use name]
      4 months ago

      I see your point, but since it characterizes the author(s) as loyal, disciplined, committed service members and not weird and unrelatable radicals, I'm gonna have to agree to disagree wrt the authenticity.

      Now whether something real will come out of it is a larger, much more complicated, and uncertain prospect. The odds of soldiers forming a united, cohesive, coherent left-wing political organization within the time frame of this conflict is desperately slim. Not much I, a civilian, can do either way unless I get a chance to do some educating.