• GVAGUY3 [he/him]
    4 months ago

    Yeah part of what keeps this stuff safe is that it is developed for free and isn't being profited off of. Putting early access behind a paywall is kinda a smoking gun for the court. That just feels like an incredible boneheaded decision especially with a console that is still in production.

    • CoolYori [she/her]
      4 months ago

      You can tell Nintendo does not give a shit if you make money off old consoles because of the absolute proliferation of preloaded devices on ebay and amazon. We all know capital protects capital and when "fully loaded" Kodi boxes were a thing in the 2010s. They got shut down with a swiftness. Personally I think Nintendo is scared of Steam Deck and its other cheaper versions because of how close the experience is and to do anything close to it is suicide right now.

      • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
        4 months ago

        They're probably more afraid of Android devices to be honest. Handheld PCs are niche products while people are massively more likely to have expensive phones that can emulate Switch games