They're not that bad, they'll just steal your lunch and any food you have. They'll break shit to get to food, which can cause problems. Imagine a troop of baboons breaking into your house or car.
Source: I've had my food stolen by a baboon at a nature reserve as a child.
So chimps are just psychopaths. What about orangutans?
I'd be less scared of one than a chimp but still very scared.
They're not that bad, they'll just steal your lunch and any food you have. They'll break shit to get to food, which can cause problems. Imagine a troop of baboons breaking into your house or car.
Source: I've had my food stolen by a baboon at a nature reserve as a child.
They actually sound pretty cool... think they'd accept me into the troop?
Nope. I'd only be okay around gorillas and bonobos.
The bonobos might try to fuck you tho... they fuck everything.