some opportunist in his campaign prob divvied out 25000% share in the Biden vote count or some equivalent that is supposed to return and is advising him under the pretense that he gets utterly Mondale’d. I have to assume Biden’s campaign is operating on the heuristic of finding every way possible to depress the vote, because Biden keeps innovating in the ways he can make himself seem utterly repulsive to voters strangelove-wow

  • WhyEssEff [she/her]
    6 months ago

    things you want your campaign to be associated with as a Democratic candidate: the housing crisis and the modern inflection point of evisceration of any hope within the economy, the most-popularly-understood-to-be-unjust war, and a reminder of how hard you fumbled the bag on the Supreme Court. Surely this will inspire youth turnout! i-love-not-thinking