• GinAndJuche
    6 months ago

    Edit: missing preface being that you’re probably right but there used to be a satisfying if not effective form of redress to make them shit the fuck up

    It used to be socially acceptable to fight a man if one felt he was crossing a line. These days that’s still true in some cases. Not enough.

    Like, honor societies had many many problems, but god damn I have some chuds coworkers I would legitimately duel for things they’ve said about women and me (fully closeted at work, present fully masc and don’t discuss dating at all).

      • GinAndJuche
        6 months ago

        You’re right, of course. I’m just venting. It would be satisfying though daydreamcloud.jpg

          • GinAndJuche
            6 months ago

            Nm, I was wrong about thought I said duel for some reason. You’re right, getting beat up sucks I’ve had that before and didn’t care for it. Luckily these dudes are unhealthy af. Like not making it to 65 unless they make changes.

            • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
              6 months ago

              I'd make it legal for you to fight those guys. I'd just wanna close that door after. If anyone can fuel anyone, at least one of them may have a grandkid thst would vendetta you and you'd have to make him sail to America and become The Godfather.

              • GinAndJuche
                6 months ago

                I welcome the blood fued, I don’t plan on having kids. Send me your descendants Chud! /joke

                Thanks for the cool headedness/ letting me vent a bit. I need the job too much to do/say anything really and it sucks

                • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
                  6 months ago

                  A non lethal blood feud would be kinda fun. Like you keep ordering food to the other person's house or doing a drive by water balloon right when they're going into work. I've also always wanted a nemesis for similar reasons. I'd like my problems to mostly come from one person who's nsmr I can yell while shaking my fist in the air like a Hannah Barbara character.

                  • GinAndJuche
                    6 months ago

                    Thats a fun idea. Especially if it’s not actually a deep seated or one sided thing. Like a give and take where one day they ruin a minor thing and the other day you come out on top. Never actually serious shit like cuttting brake lines.

                    Maybe under socialism we can have a consensual tinder app for friendly rivalries.

            • CthulhusIntern [he/him]
              6 months ago

              Chuds actually think they could survive 5 minutes, let alone actually win, a civil war. The second they have to run into cover, they're dead.

              • GinAndJuche
                6 months ago

                Ignore the cover, this man in question is 3-4 inches taller and 100+ pounds heavier + he smokes + he has a meat heavy diet (works in the deli and gets lots of freebies). He’d have a coronary trying to run the same mile as me let alone a combat situation