Thank god he got what was coming to him

  • 7bicycles [he/him]
    7 months ago

    About as many as all of those people with dire medical emergencies and those transporting their couch-bound grandma in a fridge, which is to say, somewhere in the 2nd decimal after the comma of percentages

    • oregoncom [he/him]
      7 months ago

      Yeah idk where you live but where I am delivery drivers doing the above make up the majority of cases. Snitching is lame.

      That first car in the video isn't even blocking anything. That's literally the conventional way to park cars in older neighborhoods in China. What's the alternative, bulldoze a historical district and build some parking lot? Ban people living there from owning a car? Just let people park on the side if they're not blocking anything.

      • 7bicycles [he/him]
        7 months ago

        I live in Germany and delivery drivers are not anywhere close to the majority of cases of parking violations, especially not in places like Gräfenhainichen in Sachsen-Anhalt

        What's the alternative, bulldoze a historical district and build some parking lot? Ban people living there from owning a car? Just let people park on the side if they're not blocking anything.

        You can't be against turning the historical district into a parking lot and also think you should be able to park there, that's ending up at the same thing.

        Anyways, he seemingly walks past the noted big tree, then past the Market Plaza and then in the background we can see a T-Intersection which should put us roughly somewhere here , maybe on the Paul-Gerhardt-Straße. Which means the alternative is park on a parking space that is at most 100m away from where he parked and then do like 30 seconds of walking.

        Also the reason that the parking there is illegal, even removed from making sure the bit of pedestrian zone there doesn't turn into a parking lot, is usually so the fire brigade can actually come to your house should it burn, you're not fitting a firetruck between that car and the planter there. The fire departments (and ambulances) in germany regularly get delayed or their access made inaccessible by people parking like shit.

        But lets keep going here with the second example, the kebab guy who claims to have actually delivered goods in the gartenstraße I don't even have to look at one up on google because our guy here entirely correctly points out you could've just parked your car for unloading and loading right around the corner, on the road, and that would've been fine. Sidewalks aren't built to accomodate vehicle weight, assuming this guy and probably a fair share of customers do this they're death-by-a-thousand-cuts-ing this sidewalk despite the legal, non destructive alternative being literally 5m around the corner there.