i GeT tHaT yOu WaNt To SaVe GaZa, BuT i ThInK iT’s MoRe ImPoRtAnT tO sAvE aMeRiCa. OuR nAtIoN iS uNdEr AtTaCk. DeMoCrAcY iS uNdEr AtTaCk. DoNaLd TrUmP iS tHrEaTeNiNg To DeStRoY tHiS nAtIoN pLuS, hOw MuCh SuPpOrT dO yOu ThInK gAzA wIlL gEt FrOm A tRuMp AdMiNiStRaTiOn? DoN’t FoRgEt ThAt TrUmP sHuT oUt ThE pAlEsTiNiAnS aNd OnLy LiStEnEd To ThE hArDlInE rIgHt-WiNg GoVeRnMeNt Of NeTaNyAhU dUrInG hIs PrEsIdEnCy (SiC). tRuMp SlApPeD pAlEsTiNiAnS aCrOsS tHe FaCe WhEn He ReCoGnIzEd JeRuSaLeM aS tHe IsRaElI cApItAl.

  • FumpyAer [any, comrade/them]
    9 months ago

    This is the exact argument my aunt busted out.

    First of all, that's not true. But second of all, I kinda wish it was true because at least then people would actually fight back.

    I can't understand why people don't care about people their own government is genociding.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      9 months ago

      at least then people would actually fight back.

      I sincerely doubt they would. Most libs don't seem capable of even recknoing with the idea.

    • FumpyAer [any, comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      Whatever, she and I both live in a red state so it truly could not matter less who we vote for for president.