• SubstantialNothingness [none/use name]
    4 months ago

    I think you could theoretically angle it so that the trajectory leads it to fall into orbit, no?

    Presumably these planes would have some means of propulsion once they were out of the atmosphere, otherwise their usefulness would be very limited. I did say "rockets [...] during their entire burn" but I should have said the lift rockets, which iirc is most of the weight so it's still a big deal. However I agree that in no way would this circumvent the need for propulsion outside of the atmosphere for most intents and purposes.

    Anyway, it's all probably a pipe dream with the upcoming climate change challenges. But the science is fun and apparently some experts consider this more-or-less feasible.

    • MoreAmphibians [none/use name]
      4 months ago

      Absolutely impossible. The problem isn't the angle, the problem is that orbits are circular. The "orbit" would have to go around in circular motion until until it reaches the point where it exited the railgun (after accounting for the rotation of the earth and all the other nonsense you need to account for).