"The shitshow that is supporting Israel during its accelerating genocide, I won’t defend all that much. But the overall attempt to paint him as the same as the average Democrat is dead wrong."

Won't defend it all that much? So there is a defence even though they admit it's an active genocide. Amazing

  • Doubledee [comrade/them]
    3 months ago

    Lol their entire list is "he says he wishes he could do (good thing) even though he didn't do it" over and over.

    • yoink [she/her]
      3 months ago

      its things he wishes he could do even though he didnt do it, and the wishes aren't even that good!

      liberals would legitimately get a genie wish and wish for world hunger to be reduced by 10% because their brains are just so big and adult, you idealist communists wouldnt get it

      • NewLeaf
        3 months ago

        It's crazy that the old joke of "if democrats found a magic lamp and got three wishes, they would bargain down to one, and use it on something republicans want" has needed updating.

    • Egon [they/them]
      3 months ago

      It's like when they tried the talking point that he's working against Israel "behind closed doors".