Bleh. He was literally a communist:


  • take_five_seconds [he/him, any]
    6 months ago

    That whole situation was fucking messy, on record he got into a fight with a Crip somewhere and eventually that same Crip ended his life. Vegas is not that far from LA and a lot of folk go there for reasons, often to start shit with other folk wearing different colors.

    I'm not against the theory an alphabet agency had a hand in it given his family history, but the simplest explanation is he got into a fight with a guy who had no problem taking it to a bad place after the fact. Pac was spiraling at this point in his life. Maybe people were out to get him, or maybe his familial paranoia caught up to him. Really, California is a fucking black hole, and Los Angeles is the area with the greatest gravitational pull (yay area being #2 and the IE a close 3rd). A lot of rappers have died there, and Pac was really playing up that gangster role at this time. Pac didn't die in LA, but he was def crashing out in a typical Los Angeles fashion.

    Whatever. Gangbanging is fucking stupid. Too many people lost over this shit.