I for one have been playing openmw non stop. Being able to replay morrowind on a brand new modern engine has completely enthralled me. The graphical enhancements you can add are superb, volumetric clouds and fogs keep the same aesthetic of the alien world Morrowind inhabits while also adding some much needed visual flare.

Also the gameplay still holds up...mostly! Finding your quests is an experience in itself. I'm getting terribly used to quest markers and maps that tell me where to go. Morrowind says fuck you "Your quest is by the old rickety bridge south of town besides the river. Good luck" no markers just exploration.

The game is not for everyone but everyone should try it.

  • Moonworm [any]
    7 months ago

    I'm in those Dominions mines, grognarding. Dominions 6 came out just a couple months ago, so it was a great time to get back into the game for my seemingly seasonal interest in it. This time around, I'm finally feeling like I have a good enough grasp of the game to start to tell what's good, which might be helped by the meta being pretty shook up by a new kind of magic, and a bigger emphasis on armies vs mages, along with the very cool addition of mounted units separated into mounts and riders. I'm incredibly close to winning my first multiplayer game right now (honestly, I got very lucky with a lot of map stuff), but it's absolutely going to come down to the wire and a single turn of timing one way or the other might make or break it.

    I finished out the AoE2 tournament I was playing in, made it out of the group stage, but got swept in the first elimination round. Was a bit salty about it, might take me a bit to want to play that game again. Game is still really fun.

    Last night I started Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader. Just dipped my toe in a bit, didn't even clear the prologue. I had played a bit into the game proper in early access a while ago, but I wanted to start over and experience it properly. There have definitely been some improvements and changes. I haven't fucked with the system long enough to really know it and I'm going to try and avoid looking up builds or anything, since learning on your own is fun. So far, it feels pretty intuitive to be honest, at least as someone pretty familiar with a stat spread. Not too much to say about this one yet. I've really enjoyed, (but not finished) Owlcat's previous Pathfinder titles, so I expect this will also scratch my crpg itch. Beyond that, 40k activates my slop neurons hard, so I'm gonna try and just have a good time throwing Sister Argenta bolter blazing and headlong into heretics, and not take it too seriously.