Hello as you’ve read from the title I’m a Palestinian who lives currently in the occupied territories of Palestine known as the West Bank ,my friend is a moderator here and he told me I should make a post introducing myself ,I once looked up “for Reddit but for leftists” and this is the site that I found ,anyways I personally love reading Manga ,Books,and Playing Chess

I am a Marxist Leninist ,can you believe the username Mohammed is not taken ? ,my friend told me that this space was too “white” but I didn’t think he was that right

Anyways Nice to meet you all

  • Vncredleader
    8 months ago

    Eh still cutting it close, especially as they are literally fighting against a genocide right now. Any disagreements on Deng seem trivial in this situation. https://alhourriah.org/article/132203 That's a list of the shit they looted from the IDF.

    Here is them posting a training video of what they did for prep for oct 7th https://twitter.com/KeanuNazari/status/1711746301908431031

    And here they are actually seizing checkpoints https://twitter.com/KeanuNazari/status/1711069242089422896

    Oh and a cool gun with a sign just for fun https://twitter.com/war_noir/status/1716080480708120974