• MrFunnyMoustache@lemmy.ml
    3 months ago

    Also the guy filming in the foreground's phone looks like he is filming something completely different from what's in front of him.

    • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
      3 months ago

      Yeah saw that. However, it's interesting because the other photo on their twitter has 3 people to the left who appear to have the same clothing in both shots. I guess it could be inpainting going on?

      • MrFunnyMoustache@lemmy.ml
        3 months ago

        Do you mean this is one of these AI enhancements to a photo you take to remove noise and stuff that some newer phones have?

          • MrFunnyMoustache@lemmy.ml
            3 months ago

            I remember that one. I think this will be a problem one day when someone innocent tries to submit a photo in court and the prosecutor will argue that because the phone has AI enhancements, we can't trust the image's small details.

            • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
              3 months ago

              the prosecutor will argue that because the phone has AI enhancements, we can't trust the image's small details.

              Or other way around. It's damning for the defense so the defense attorney says "If the photo don't fit - you must acquit."