Hello as you’ve read from the title I’m a Palestinian who lives currently in the occupied territories of Palestine known as the West Bank ,my friend is a moderator here and he told me I should make a post introducing myself ,I once looked up “for Reddit but for leftists” and this is the site that I found ,anyways I personally love reading Manga ,Books,and Playing Chess

I am a Marxist Leninist ,can you believe the username Mohammed is not taken ? ,my friend told me that this space was too “white” but I didn’t think he was that right

Anyways Nice to meet you all

  • Dessa [she/her]
    10 months ago

    To be fair, black movements tend to get FBIed. People like to talk shit about how Black Lives Matter fizzled out but forget that community leaders in Ferguson all died 1 by 1 in seperate car bombings. There is nothing they fear more at home than black liberation.