It's just a simple yes or no, whether you think at least one or more of the candidates on your ballot list shares a lot of your concerns, beliefs, et values to at least vote for them
If you don't approve any of them, just don't mark them, and write down "I don't like any of these candidates" as a reason
I don't like "first past the post" for this reason... it just perpetuates the idea of "spoiled" votes...
I was once at a concert, and I saw Bernie Sanders there and he was Skanking hard to some Kill Lincoln, and that's why I voted for him in 2016.
I would just prefer ultra short terms. Like everyone gets 1 year at a time to a maximum of like IDK 6-10 times? Short enough that you don't have campaigning time if you're on the job, but having a good voting track record is its own good campaign. Literally just have to put out messages that say what you have actually voted for and against.
Better yet, a liquid representation democracy would be the best way to go: Everyone represents themselves, but if you're too busy to constantly participate in all the elections you want to, you can "give" your vote to a representative and you can remove your vote from them any time. Lots of possible pitfalls, but we've never tried it before, so just as many hypotheticals that can go right, too.