should probably preface by saying that comedy is one of my special interests, improv and stand-up comedy being my favorite flavors

I saw a thing in the paper today about a local comedy collective offering classes.

From the snooping I've done online, it seems like it's led by a guy who did comedy elsewhere but now lives here in rural shit-hole Ohio and is trying to create a community for it. It's a PoC leading it, which instantly gives me more faith in the endeavor.

The pictures they've posted from previous improv workshops give me the impression that these are my favorite flavors of weirdos.

But - presumably like most of you? - I am a very specific flavor of strange that most people don't like, and tbqh, I'm going through an particularly difficult period in which a strong dose of negative feedback could be extremely harmful.

but I'm also desperately lonely and struggling to figure out if there's anywhere I fit in at all anywhere in the world

Engaging with this opportunity seems like a big risk - maybe I could meet some people with similar interests with whom I could get along, but maybe also I could feel terribly rejected in a way that might be horrifically harmful for me right now

I tried to bring it up with my husband in the hope that I could get him to do it with me, but before I even got that far in the conversation, he was scoffing at the very existence of the class, so I feel like a real dumbass for even being interested

is this stupid?

  • SSJ2Marx
    6 months ago

    You should take the class! I find all acting/drama/creative writing/etc classes very fun, if for no other reason than it gives you a reason to do that thing in a structured environment.