• Sons_of_Ferrix
    3 个月前

    Apparently this is mostly being driven by Muslim majority nations, likely due to Palestine.

    • Neptium@lemmygrad.ml
      3 个月前

      Although that plays a large part, Muslim Southeast Asia has always been more China friendly than the rest. Even after Western propaganda regarding the Uyghurs.

      In the survey itself, I think the more interesting shift is Thailand, Cambodia and Myanmar edging closer or slightly surpassing the 50% mark.

      • Sons_of_Ferrix
        3 个月前

        Little frustrating Vietnam is still so pro-US but I guess it makes sense from a geopolitical sense shrug-outta-hecks

        • HonestMistake_@lemmy.ml
          3 个月前

          It's been decades of unchecked propaganda, seeing that turn around is gonna take a while, but I'm sure it will happen.