• Greenleaf [he/him]
    3 months ago

    Legitimate question: is abortion on the ballot in Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, or Georgia?

    Because if not, then it’s entirely irrelevant. Totally irrelevant. As much as everyone talks about voting (or not voting} for Biden or Trump, for the overwhelming majority of Americans who don’t live in a swing state their voting for president is pointless. So unless abortion is on the ballot in swing states it’s a non-factor.

    Abortion does motivate people, and that factors into it if it’s on the ballot in swing states. But when you look at presidential candidates you would be hard pressed to find a candidate with as bad of numbers that Biden has inside and outside of his party. Not even LBJ had as bad of numbers and he dropped out of the race because he knew how unpopular he was.

    Edit: According to this map, the only swing state where abortion might be on the ballot is Arizona; and Nevada if you count that as a swing state.

      • Poison_Ivy [comrade/them]
        3 months ago

        Maybe the Dems should get on that then if Democracy is on the line.

        How seriously are you taking this election if youre putting up Biden of all people as the candidate against Trump again and especially now when he is historically extremely unpopular and has a legacy of horrible policies to drag him down further

        Like fuck you man, get a soul.

      • Greenleaf [he/him]
        3 months ago

        Right, so it’s only a factor in one of the six states that determine the election. I would not call that particularly determinative for the final result. Abortion will not determine the outcome of the election, but Gaza very likely will. Or said another way, it would be incredibly bad campaign strategy for Biden to rely on abortion to carry him to victory while continuing to help genocide Palestinians.