Louisiana HB 777 Would Criminalize Librarians and Libraries Who Join the American Library Association

Despite the fact that librarians are among the most trusted professionals, per data acquired in several studies of parents on the perceptions of the profession, lawmakers across the country continue to infantilize and criminalize library workers.


Louisiana continues these efforts in an ongoing move by politicians in the state to damage public libraries with House Bill 777. HB 777 was introduced March 25 by Representative Kellee Dickerson, who helped fund the Louisiana Freedom Caucus. The bill would criminalize library workers and libraries for joining the American Library Association.

  • came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]
    3 months ago

    i dunno if it's still true, but there was a time not long ago where Louisiana held the distinction of having the highest rate of incarceration per capita of any state in the US. as the US already holds the title for highest rate of incarceration in the US, this means Louisiana was the turd at the top of the clogged toilet that is Carceral America.

    • regul [any]
      3 months ago

      Looks like they recently got surpassed by Mississippi: https://www.sentencingproject.org/research/us-criminal-justice-data/

      I'm sure Gov. Landry's gonna work to get those numbers back up. He just eliminated parole statewide.