Liberals love Ukraine so much they are destroying it. Say, Ukraine magically wins right now, goes back to pre-SMO borders. They'll still have billions of dollars in foreign currency debt they would have to pay back.
How will they pay it back? Greek/Argentina style probably.
Ironically, Zelensky is more like the Trump of Ukraine, low culture celebrity who rode into power on a “all the parties and politicians are broken, we need an outsider” message and then proceeded to be corrupt in office.
Liberals love Ukraine so much they are destroying it. Say, Ukraine magically wins right now, goes back to pre-SMO borders. They'll still have billions of dollars in foreign currency debt they would have to pay back.
How will they pay it back? Greek/Argentina style probably.
What fresh horror would the Ukrainian equivalent of be?
So, Zelensky?
Ironically, Zelensky is more like the Trump of Ukraine, low culture celebrity who rode into power on a “all the parties and politicians are broken, we need an outsider” message and then proceeded to be corrupt in office.
But in a blue and yellow captain America costume with the Azov insignia on the shield
His nazi BDUs aren't enough?
Well he has to at least pretend for the libs