• HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
    3 months ago

    clowning on Trump for looking at the sun when he didn't actually go blind just comes off as pathetic. like, in MAGA evangelical consciousness, he beat the pagans' god in a staring contest, and the thing that they said would happen didn't happen.

      • Adkml [he/him]
        3 months ago

        It's especially funny of you watch the video he looks at the sun with the glasses, takes them off, you hear somebody in the front row yell "don't do it" and then he looks at the sun.

        And he beat Hillary Clinton in a national election.

          • Adkml [he/him]
            3 months ago

            Pretty sure that's one of the things he doesn't actually believe but he knows people are stupid enough to give him a pass on that. He hates windmills because somebody wanted to put some up in view of his golf course and he hated that so he just makes up literally anything like saying they cause cancer.

            Similar to how he's suddenly really concerned with animal wildlife when he keeps insisting turbines are actually just giant bird blenders.

            Or he could just actually believe that like you said he's one of the dumbest people on earth and who knows how far the degenerative brain disease has gotten and how many of his own delusions he actually believes now.