vote butt

  • YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]
    3 months ago

    I think one small part of the problem is that vote blue types don't see assimilationist tendencies from liberals as destructive, when they are arguably more destructive in some cases than the direct repression of the republicans.

    Black Lives Matter might be the best example of how dem embrace nigh instantly smothered the potentual of that movement, but trans rights may be similar. You're welcome to join the rich white liberals, as long as you don't rock the boat and abandon solidarity.

    • NewLeaf
      3 months ago

      This was my experience with local protest. They never did anything consequential, just stood with pithy signs in the prescribed location for an hour on a Saturday. I remember going down there when I was younger and full of piss and vinegar, and having them tell me I was too much. They would circle up and preach to the choir. Never to the people in the streets, just themselves