The show's good btw...

    2 个月前

    Are you referring to some pre-capitalism economic systems?

    Like Feudalism? Greco-Roman slave-based economies? Tribal subsistence economies? Mesopotamian barter-based economies? Ancient Indian caste-based economies?

    Seriously, which system are you pointing to that holds answers? I'm not against your position, I just can't imagine what you mean.

    • Thordros [he/him, comrade/them]
      2 个月前

      Are you referring to some pre-capitalism economic systems?

      Yes. The person with the hammer and sickle handle, who moderates Leftypedia, thinks we should retvrn to a caste system. You nailed it. Your question is definitely in good faith.

        • Thordros [he/him, comrade/them]
          2 个月前

          Wow. I didn't know that. I just, uh, you're telling me now for the first time. I'm actually sad to hear that. I am sad to hear that. Thank you very much.

            2 个月前

            But... you sarcastically implied the answer to the question "what pre-capitalistic system are you referring to" is communism. I can't get a read on you unless you're just very confused, bro.

            • Thordros [he/him, comrade/them]
              2 个月前

              The answer to the question is, "None," because it's a stupid question.

              It's like if somebody said they hate cars, and we can do without them. Then some stupid asshole said, "I see. Should we return to the horse and buggy? Perhaps the rickshaw? Chariots, perhaps? Maybe a world where kings are carried on a throne upon the shoulders of slaves? Or maybe just piggyback rides? Kindly ignore the existence of trains and bicycles. Thanks!"

              I reject the premise of the question, because the question isn't asked in good faith, and is fucking stupid.

        • idkmybffjoeysteel [he/him]
          2 个月前

          We're not looking to return to anything, we're hoping to finally win the fight against greedy psychopaths

      2 个月前

      Capitalistic Socialism seems the most successful offshoot of Capitalism. Pure Capitalism is killing its social networks, and the fabric of that system’s societies is falling apart.

        2 个月前

        It was just the statement that "human society has always been able to solve it's problems" followed by a condemnation of capitalism. So I assumed there was some prior system that worked better for solving problems.

        I guess they say Mussolini made the trains run on time. And Egypt's slave economy was stable for thousands of years.

        It's like I said, I can't see a prior example that is not meaner and uglier than capitalism, or at least as mean and ugly.

        Capitalistic Socialism may indeed be a better path for the future. But I didn't think it could be the original poster's intent.

            2 个月前

            There's no such thing as sealions, the people you call sealions just disagree with you. Some of them are wrong, some of them are right.

            • Tabitha ☢️[she/her]
              2 个月前

              if sealions don't exist, then what's this?

          2 个月前

          apparently "egypts slave economy" is largely debunked. they had slaves like every other stone age culture, but their economy (and pyramid building) relied largely on paid labor

              2 个月前

              For the records, saying that capitalism is temporary does not imply OP desires reverting to a previously existing economic system either, so the egypt thing was a non-sequitor anyways