Tabitha ☢️[she/her]

  • 20 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 1st, 2023


  • I fucking told all y'all this was going to have rippling repercussions

    tbh I think people said the same thing about Bernie Sanders, and while that it's technically true that Bernie Sanders had rippling repercussions socially, we're pretty disappointed with the overall results.

    There could be 10 more adjustments this year and then the whole thing might quietly fade. Maybe Trump does something mass protestable then Luigi gets totally forgotten aside from a meme like Dorner. Maybe a revolution does start. Maybe the DailyWire pivots and tries to channel that energy into some ghoulish thing.

    I'm pretty open minded either way on Luigi's potential larger repercussions, but it's too early to tell if this will go anywhere. It's best to try to just make sure principled voices are heard and reactionary megaphones are given opposition every chance we get.

  • I have to agree hard with this, something about paragraphs says "chatgpt made this" and it's probably safe to assume it's long meandering non-sense stuffed with word salads, fluff, etc. and a bit at the end granting yourself an honorary PHD in early 1900s English literature. My friend even once told me they go off on unnecissary tangets and annecdotes that add nothing.

    • Bulleted lists are awesome
    • numbers aren't even necessary for most of the value
      • caveat: unless order strictly matters
      • nested bullet points are awesome for grouping sub-thoughts
      • my friend told me unnessary tangnts as nested bullet points are great because you can include them anyways but it's easier for fast readers to skip over in a safe organized manor.
    • still an info dump, but human parsable and navigatable
    • faster to go through, like an indexed database
    • Texas Delenda Est