Blandest fucking shit I've ever had lmao

I keep telling myself to be open-minded and try things and keep vindicating my gut feeling that things will suck

  • SpiderFarmer [he/him]
    2 months ago

    If you're adding flavors to your coffee, it probably wasn't good to begin with. A properly pulled doubleshot is amazing.

      • SpiderFarmer [he/him]
        2 months ago

        That just makes me shudder. I'd rather take a slice of cake with a side of black coffee myself. Sweet coffee just feels off.

        • ped_xing [he/him]
          2 months ago

          When I first started drinking coffee, I didn't get the point of a packet of sugar. The coffee was still overpowering. You'd need to up the sugar content by a factor of 10 to get anywhere, so I just went with black coffee. An old roommate had the seem realization but went the other way -- he would add the equivalent of 10 packets of sugar by just pouring from the sugar container for an uncomfortable length of time. Now the ridiculously sweet coffee is a regular menu item you can order without feeling self-conscious.