• Frank [he/him, he/him]
    2 months ago

    Piper was such a sweetie. I played that game at a really, really weird time in my life.

      2 months ago

      I used to be a NV purist, but that was actually before FO4 where I was concerned. I know I can't stand the main throughline of FO4, I do not like the 'avenging family protag' trope and I kinda feel like the twist was 2010s'-Shyamalan-level in a bad way; but I love the character design, the beginnings of detail into the raider cliques, and the side quests. Where I sit with Bethesda Fallout is 'someone with actual pens needs to be writing the throughline', rather than 'muh family', Spike Lee "Oldboy" crap.

          2 months ago

          FO3: "where my dad"

          FO4: "where my son"

          I'm formally requesting Bethesda stop projecting their dysfunctional family issues into my post-apoc kthx