I'm seeing so much deflection from liberals when it comes to Biden's and democrat's support and enabling of genocide. Just basic criticism of Biden's support of Israel is met with "Trump would be worse" which basically means we should actively support the current genocidal maniac in power and deflect from any criticism of his support, thus enabling the genocide. It's pretty pathetic that's the only counter argument they have, that he is worse than Trump, but the logic of it doesn't even make sense.

Like I understand these people don't actually care about the genocide and that it's just a bad look or whatever which means they need to punch down even harder on any criticism. They see the obvious criticism and how people are disgusted with him and other democrats and are afraid that will loose them votes. They see 20% non-committed in the Minnesota primary for example where party loyalists are saying they would rather not vote for anyone than him, and it scares them. Those votes come from party loyalists and these are the people who is suppose to convince others to vote for Biden, and they can't even muster enough to do it themselves.

So I have some advice for liberals who want Biden to win. Stop deflecting and start demanding and protesting for an end to democratic support of genocide. Even if you don't actually give a shit about the genocide, more and more people are going to die, more and more horrific mass graves are going to be uncovered. Until the election it's only going to get worse not better. More and more people are going to be disgusted with the idea of voting for him. So do yourself, and everyone else, a favor and stop deflecting any criticism of Biden's genocide.

  • nohaybanda [he/him]
    2 months ago

    Right? It shouldn’t need to be said but conducting a genocide is a moral event horizon. There’s no “but the other guy” beyond that. When the last Palestinian in Gaza is dead or driven away (and Israel moves onto the West Bank, let’s be real here) will it matter if Trump showboated doing it or Biden cried crocodile tears?! Of course not!

      • Nakoichi [he/him]M
        2 months ago

        I have been coming closer to the unfortunate position that Trump might actually be the harm reduction candidate if he gets libs off their fucking asses and to care about anything.

        I still don't want to think that is true but its something I am coming closer to entertaining. (I still wouldn't vote for him)

        • DyingOfDeBordom [none/use name]
          2 months ago

          It's 100% true, think about how liberals acted during covid. Trump president = wearing a mask is brave resistance, we believe in the science sweaty. Biden president? He literally pushed the "covid is over" button and dried up every bit of federal support for it overnight, including cutting my food stamps at the time from 240/month to 24. And liberals just slept through it like they do everything with a Democrat in office