Max Nettlau, born on the 30th of April in 1865, was an anarchist historian whose biographical subjects included Bakunin, Malatesta, and Élisée Reclus. His enormous collection of primary materials is held by the International Institute of Social History.

Max Nettlau was born in Neuwaldegg (Austria) to an affluent family. Nettlau's skepticism of state authority began at a young age; his memoirs state that, even as a child, he 'somehow considered the supporter of any government system as a seriously defective person'.

Formally, Nettlau studied linguistics, authoring his doctoral thesis on the Welsh language. While a student in London, he became a member of the Socialist League, the only organization he was ever to join according to the International Institute of Social History (IISG).

As an anarchist activist, Nettlau wrote articles for John Most's Freiheit and befriended famous anarchists such as Peter Kropotkin, Elisée Reclus, and Errico Malatesta.

Nettlau was an avid collector of materials of social movements. Not just manuscripts by anarchist authors (although original texts by Bakunin became a part of his collection), but the actual pamphlets, bulletins, and papers of social movements themselves.

Among Nettlau's works as an author are the first major biography of Michael Bakunin, biographies of anarchists Elisée Reclus and Errico Malatesta, and a seven volume work on the history of anarchism. A significantly shorter, one volume version is available in English as "A Short History of Anarchism".

In 1935, Nettlau sold his archive (described by the IISH as "enormous") to the newly found International Institute of Social History, where it remains to this day.

Nettlau died 1944 from stomach cancer in Amsterdam, having fled his native Austria follow the country's "Anschluss" to Nazi Germany in 1938.

"Do I want to propose my own system? Not at all! I am an advocate of all systems, i.e. of all forms of government that find followers."

  • Max Nettlau in "PANARCHY. A Forgotten Idea of 1860" (1905)

A Short History of Anarchism by Max Nettlau

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  • Bat [she/her]
    5 months ago

    it's nice to have a non-hugbox trans community though

    • ashinadash [she/her]
      5 months ago

      Fuck that no it's not, that shit fucking rots your brain out.

      I hated myself enough that I thought reddit was too hugboxy, that's what led me to /lgbt/ back then. I'm still digging out brainworms with a trowel, it radiates such self hatred, it's draining and exhausting. Shit powers up your internalised transphobia.

      Also the concept of "hugboxing" in trans spaces is such self hating bullshit.

      Fuck 4chan, fuck /lgbt/ and fuck Ray Blanchard and J Michael Bailey for good measure. What do you wanna feed your self hatred for? Browsing /lgbt/ is self harm.

      • Bat [she/her]
        5 months ago

        I'm going to hate myself either way it's nice to find relatable people

        • ashinadash [she/her]
          5 months ago

          No it is not, being depressed and self hating at eachother in such a negative environment like that keeps everybody down. You feed into eachothers' bullshit, about how passing and assimilating is the only and ultimate goal and not passing is some kind of doom state, and how YWNBAW and all that stupid horseshit. About how "lucky" passoids are, sad "hon" posting, but the entire myopic focus on passing is bullshit and people only go on /lgbt/ to feel bad. It is self harm.

          It's much more beneficial to put your awful, ugly, painful, sad thoughts somewhere there's a chance someone will support you, be kind to you and maybe even tell you it isn't as bad as you think, than to put them somewhere some trip is gonna reply "hon youre such a brick your never gonna pass lol yw for the (you) though desu", or just call you a nonpassing AGP again, it's just confirming every bad harmful thought you have. Why would you want to do that? What does it achieve?

          The trans mega has plenty of room for depressionposting, I'm pretty sure, and great people to go with it. One of the things that helped turn my self hatred around was hanging out with trans people who weren't aggressively self hating. It's nice to know you aren't alone, but it's so easy to end up reinforcing people's bad bullshit that way, it's a cycle. It's bad for you.

          /lgbt/ is going to make it worse for you.

          • Bat [she/her]
            5 months ago

            not passing is a doom state for me, other people can be happy without that but for me I cannot envision myself being happy while not passing

            • ashinadash [she/her]
              5 months ago

              That's fine, the point was more about how the board makes passing seem like the only possible valid state, and how the whole place is an assimilationist cisnormative hellhole.

              Just get off of /lgbt/, for your own sake.

              • Bat [she/her]
                5 months ago

                I have nothing else to really do with my day besides doom scroll, especially with classes ending