I found out she's vegan through checking out her profile having the Ⓥ in her display name and her bio literally says (cut and paste):

"be kind to animals or I'll kill you"

end speciesism

Despite this, she is accusing me of anti-Semitism because I made a comment staunchly condemning Zionism, and when I wrote this comment that you see in the image, she didn't give a proper rebuttal. All she fucking said was:

of course you stalked my page 💀

The skull emoji is really telling.

It's like your average Instagram user is a bot produced in a factory where their brains have logic, reason, and reading comprehension skills extracted out of them.

  • BeamBrain [he/him]M
    2 months ago

    Doesn't matter if they replaced all their red meat with tofu, supporters of imperialism are not and never will be vegan. "Exclude all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals" means all forms of exploitation and cruelty and all animals.