Although I don't know if Steam will re-enable sales for regions without PSN coverage.

  • invo_rt [he/him]
    2 months ago

    I just want the game to die so people quit LARPing across socials. The super ultra "ironic" freedom and democracy shit is so played out.

      2 months ago

      Yes I agree. What if warhammer 40k got stupidly popular with pretty much everyone and also they understand even less, somehow? That’s helldivers to me. I don’t really care how actually well made or fun it is. At least before I could ignore the chuds in a still relatively niche tabletop game and paint pretty models, now they are all swarming my Internet floorboards every second tab screaming about bugs and robots and democracy. Cool.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      2 months ago

      It's so old. I got to the point where i was snapping at people repeating the exact same cliched "i'm calling the democracy officer!" Shit to every discussion. And then i stopped going to the subreddit because god redditors are insufferable.