• 420blazeit69 [he/him]
    2 months ago

    Plenty of people far removed from a context where they regularly kill animals will hurt pets who anger them. "This dog pissed me off and is useless, I'll shoot it with this gun I have already in my hand" is not that big of a step from there.

    • somename [she/her]
      2 months ago

      A farmer being willing to kill a cow or a chicken does not translate to them flippantly shooting their dog, not on average.

      There are some animal abusers that would kill a dog without caring yeah, but that's not a sizable voting constituency lol.

      • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
        2 months ago

        but that's not a sizable voting constituency lol

        Well yeah, that's why it was a bad idea to tell this story!

        All I'm saying is you can see where she got the idea. There are still some places where this might be frowned upon but wouldn't be outrageous, and it wasn't too long ago that much more of the country was like that. A slightly different story would have likely had the intended effect.