lmao nice

  • AutomatedPossum [she/her]
    5 months ago

    I can only speak for the LGBTQIA+ crowd, but ... i mean, let's face it, that is the core audience. And there's a pretty clear split between the Queers for Palestine faction and the homonationalists, and it looks as if the latter are finally losing. This is in large parts due to queer solidarity for Palestine having already been clearly articulated way before the invasion of Gaza went underway, and calls for boycotts and an exclusion of Israel coming from that very crowd beginning as soon as the war started. What's discussed itt didn't come out of nowhere, it's been boiling up for half a year, and resting on foundations much older than that.

    • Greenleaf [he/him]
      5 months ago

      Weird how virtually every marginalized group across planet earth is now - if not before now - firmly aligned on the side of Palestinian liberation.