It's tiring to tell libs that its actually CPC instead of CCP.

  • CCP = Chinese China Party (???)
  • CPC = Chinese Party of China (correct)

I'm literally going to drop kick someone who gets it wrong!!!

Thoughts? Is it worthwhile to correct people on this?

  • Droplet [comrade/them]
    2 months ago

    Or someone who actually knows the history and period-specific usage of the word CCP:




    Per the CPPCC of Guangzhou:

    随着1943年共产国际的解散,中国官方以CPC取代CCP,亦在情理之中。很明显,“the Communist Party of China (CPC)”里的“of China”强调的是,这个党是属于中国的政党,是为中国奋斗的政党,主要体现了这个党的独立性。

    Following the dissolution of Comintern in 1943, it was reasonable that the Chinese government replaced CCP with CPC. Obviously, the “China” in the “Communist Party of China” emphasizes the national character of the party, that it represents a party that fights for China (the country), and to underline the independence of the party (from its previous association with Comintern).

    CPPCC = Chinese People’s Political Consultative Committee lol

    • Inui [comrade/them]
      2 months ago

      This is interesting if that's the explanation because I'm reading a textbook about China's history from the Qing empire to current day and the introduction used CPC, while the rest of the book so far (up to the 1930s) has used CCP. I wondered what was up.